A few months ago, I was presenting a workshop that was about helping people heal their ancestral money wounds. After the workshop, I felt a warmth come over me and sensed a feeling of gratitude. It was money thanking me for the healing people received. Then, I heard the word, “Blessings.”
Blessings? The word curiously stayed with me. It was not an accident that a couple of weeks later I heard Kabbalistic mystic and healer, Rabbi Douglas Goldhammer, speak. He has devoted his life to empowering people to deepen their connection to the Divine and their own healing abilities. Reading his latest book, Healing with God’s Love, I came across a quote on the power of blessings. “A blessing draws potentiality in to actuality…. Blessings are powerful. When one person blesses another, it’s as if the person blessing reads the other’s soul purpose and prays for it to be realized.”
Reading that quote inspired me to make a daily practice of blessings. I bless myself, my gifts, those I love, my business, those I’m called to serve, the earth, all creation, and anyone or thing that needs healing. It has been amazingly powerful. Just knowing that I am activating, the not only the potential, but ultimately, the magnificence of all that I bless, is its own blessing. While a gratitude practice has been shown to have many benefits, a blessing practice can be even more profound in its impact, both on ourselves and that which we bless. It honors our light and the potential light within all.